Sometimes, you probably want to convert a PDF file to image. iCareAll PDF Convert enables you to convert PDF file to image. You can follow the steps below to convert PDF to image.

Step1. Click "PDFtoIMG" option in order to convert PDF file to image.

Step2. Select the source PDF file that you want to convert to image:

1. Click "Add File" to select the PDF file you want to convert to image. You can select one or several PDF files to convert them all into one image.
2. Click "Folder" to select the folder that contains all PDF files you want to convert to image.

Step3. Specify a destination to save the converted image

1. Click "Original" to save the converted image to original place
2. Click "Custom" to save the converted image to the specified place
3. Click "Open" to open the folder which will be used for converted data storage

Step4. Click "Convert Now" button to convert the selected files to image. The software converts the PDF file to image in JPG format by default.

1. Click "Register" to enter a license code to activate the software
2. Click "Buy" to pay so as to enjoy all features of this software without limitations
3. Click "Use Trial" to have a try with the software, which only enables you to convert the first five pages.